Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hello Novembrrrr! Lattice update

Time has just been flying by since the last post. Summer has come and gone, and we are now fighting the change of seasons to get the yurt components that need outdoor space finished before the snow flies...and stays. It has of course snowed just about every morning for the past week or so, but luckily it has melted from the sun, or rained.

In the last post, we were just beginning to stain and chamfer the edges of the lattice. I may have proclaimed that it would take one million years to finish, however, much to our delight, we finished with many years left to live. The downside? Well, after many hours in a shop with no ventilation because of the frigid weather and cans of stain open, Sarah and I have lost many brain cells. It's all a part of the journey I suppose.

Here is the stack of un-stained and stained lattice pieces. It was incredibly daunting to look at the pile.

Here is half of the number of pieces needed to make the wall. We are putting the lattice up in two sections. The first section is complete, however I forgot to take a picture. It is currently resting at a friends house while we problem solve getting it to our house for storage over the winter.

The first section of lattice I put  together I used a different technique of taking half of the pieces of the half (45) and putting in the bolts in the top hole with a another lattice to make a pair. Then I attached all of the pair lattices together with the second hole and bolts. However I learned after breaking a few pieces and having to fix many sections that when they are attached, the end tend to wander and you have pieces on top that should be underneath and holes not lining up. Overall, it was he much more difficult way of doing it. 

Here is the section that we are working one now. 
This time however, we laid out 6 lattice pieces and took one lattice and attached it to the first hole of the first pieces, the second hole in the second piece and so on and so forth until all 6 holes spread out over the 6 pieces and we kept adding a lattice to the end as we added a lattice to the top. You can sort of see the pattern above. I will try and get a video next time, because it can be confusing at first.

 The lattice saga is almost complete, we just need to suck it up and freeze off our fingers to finish it this week. I have already started the rafters and problem solving the roof ring, so expect an update very soon!