Sunday, January 26, 2014

Where Did The Time Go? (Lattice and Rafters)

It is the end of January and we have been seriously lacking in the updates of the yurt progression. The last you guys know of, we haven't even finished the lattice, but have no fear, because we finished that months ago!  In fact... Here's proof!

That is only half of it, but you get the idea. I was able to fit half of the complete lattice sections in my car, so we made two trips to our house where we are storing the yurt pieces. We have an extra shed that has been a godsend. Our well used, 2 car garage is taken up by various appliances, odd and end things for the yurt, along with our  two cars. Having a garage is probably the biggest thing I will miss about our house. Nothing beats hopping in to your semi-warm car on a -30 Degree day and not having to scrape the windshield, brush off snow, and start the car 10 minutes before you leave. 

Anyways...back to the yurt. 

The next step was the rafters, which was consuming a large portion of Dave's wood shop porch. It was another item that I had summed up to be "just rip them down the middle, make a 30 Degree cut on one end, a 90 Degree cut on the other, Notch the 30 Degree end, sand and stain. Should only take us a day" I should probably be burned at the stake for how many times I have told David that it was no big deal and wouldn't take very long. Luckily for me, he knows to take my time guesstimation with a grain of salt. Time never quite adds up in my mind the same as it does in reality. Here are some pictures of the process, which I am sure you are much more interested in than my inability to gauge time.

Dave and I finished making the 30 Degree and 90 Degree cuts at 10:00pm while it was snowing and Sarah, Cathy, Melissa, and Olivia were sitting inside the warm house drinking hot and refreshing beverages. 

Although they did help during the day....

The adorable Sarah and Olivia helping with the rafters

Even Raymond helped out!

Sarah staining the rafters

We started to stack them in the garden plot area but decided to move them to our shed where they would be sheltered from the elements and have a better chance at drying out.

Here is a picture of the notch that I made for the cable to rest in.

The rafters are now safe and sound in the shed but they are not fully finished. It didn't take us long to figure out that we would be best off to wait until the spring to stain them since they were still very wet. It was also becoming t0o cold for us to work outside and time was running out. Most of them will still need to be notched and stained, but it is going to wait until we have a warm spring day. We are currently in winter hibernation for the moment. 

The next post, which will come much sooner than before, will be about our very exciting new advances in the insulation and fabric! All good things come in time, we must be patient. Until then, drink some hot chocolate, watch a movie, and snuggle some cute pets!